A hub for East Asian actor training
Enabling East Asian actors to be more visible around the world
The ActorTects recognise the importance of inclusivity in theatre and acting, particularly in the UK. We intend to increase East Asian visibility and challenge the industry idea of Asian streotyps by equipping students with all the tools and skills needed to succeed in ancompetitive western industry.
We’re also developing a sustainable network and platform initially offering group workshops for actors interested in expanding their knowledge of techniques and skills. We aim to be a production company in the future.
Pandemic of Love (written by Inyoung Lee) - Camden Fringe Festival 2021
“이인영 선생님의 영국 드라마 스쿨 입학 프로그램은 구체적이고 한국에서는 얻을 수 없는 정보들 뿐이었습니다. 학교선정부터 오디션팁과 연기수업까지 모든부분에서 케어가 가능했습니다. 이 무모한 꿈이 꿈으로 끝나지 않고 오히려 더 크게 만들어 주셨다는것에 무한 감사를 드립니다.”
— Saem Kim (배우, 액팅코치) MFA Acting, Guildford School of Acting 2020 입학
“스터디하면서 6번의 시간이 짧았지만 저에게 매우 소중한 시간이었어요. 연기에 있어서 제가 놓치고 있었던 지금 이 순간에 집중하고 사는 것이 정말 제게 중요한 부분이었다는 것을 깨달았어요. 어디에서도 듣지 못할 그런 소중한 수업 저에게도 함께 나누어 주셔서 정말 감사드립니다! “
— 이현아 (배우) Sanford Meisner(샌포드 마이즈너) 섬머 스터디 참가자
“The Pandemic of Love is a piece that navigates a romantic relationship when confined to a small space during a pandemic… The piece was presented as a string of short scenes: almost like a montage. Both performers had great chemistry on stage and there got a lot of laughs for the bravado the script had in expressing the more uncomfortable parts of relationships.”
— Vinna Law (Actor, Creator)
“We particularly loved the parts where Korean and English are spoken at the same time, the non-linear narrative is intriguing, and the moments of physical sexy comedy hilarious… Both actors were believable and managed to portray the complexity of their characters. So well done to all the team!”
— Lara Parmiani (Artistic Director of LegalAliens Theatre)
Feel free to contact us with any questions.