Professor Geoffrey Colman- Head of Acting, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
“I have had the pleasure of mentoring, teaching and collaborating with Inyoung Lee at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London University… In the two years that she has been at Central, in addition to the MFA course she has archived and studied my practice, interrogated her own methodological approach to acting and directing, assisted me as an acting tutor, and been a very significant collaborator (as assistant director) in an international touring production of Six Degrees of Separation. The production was invited to perform at the Festival of International Theatre, Barcelona. Inyoung’s contribution to this was significant.
Inyoung is a very gifted international practitioner who has much to offer the performance industry...I should particularly note her exceptional dramaturgical ability when confronted with classical, contemporary or devised texts - informed as this is by her vivid personal interest in the development of acting and performance skills in the wider community – especially the East Asian community, which is severely underrepresented in the conservatoire and professional performance sectors...I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that she will thrive in the industry and will bring her unique performance and coaching qualities to it, for she is lively of thought, good of heart and a thoroughly decent person - popular at Central with both staff and students alike.”
One to one student Robbie- Actor, Alumnus from RCSSD
“I think we’ve both been on a little journey with these sessions, learning to believe in ourselves and not let ourselves regress back into unhelpful ways of thinking. You were a brilliant teacher and leader to help me stay focused and keep loose. I learned so much... I now have the opportunity to look into Bogart and Chekhov having started looking into them practically with you. My experience with you was transformative, athletic, playful, deeply informative and boosted my self-esteem as a working actor.”
Saem Kim (South Korea), Guildford School of Acting, MFA Acting 2020
“영국의 드라마스쿨을 준비하면서 이인영선생님과의 작업은 행운이었습니다. 막연하게 구글에 검색하거나 유학원에서 알려주는 흔한정보가 전부였었습니다. 하지만 이인영선생님의 컨설팅은 구체적이고 한국에서는 얻을 수 없는 정보들 뿐이었습니다. 학교선정부터 오디션팁과 연기수업까지 모든부분에서 케어가 가능했습니다. 특히 영어 실력이 부족한 저에게는 단비같은 수업이었습니다. 아무리 연기원서를 읽어도 알수없는 늬앙스들이나 준비해야하는 인터뷰 질문들도 꼼꼼히 준비했습니다. 저 역시 액팅코치로 일을하지만 인영쌤의 연기수업은 가장 기본적이면서 가장 깊고 어렵지 않게 접근하는 것이 큰 매력입니다. 지치지 않으면서 연기를 즐겁게 할 수 있게 많은 도움을 받았습니다. 인영쌤의 수업도 유학 컨설팅도 다 훌륭하지만 무엇보다 가장 감사한것은 자신이 처음 영국갔을때 맨땅에 해딩하면서 배운것들을 아낌없이 나누어 주셨습니다. 이 무모한 꿈이 꿈으로 끝나지 않고 오히려 더 크게 만들어 주셨다는 것에 무한 감사를 드립니다. 저도 좋은 배우가 코치가 되겠습니다!”
Ramanj Doosari-
Actor, Actor trainer
“Inyoung’s actor training is simple, playful, effective and updated for the actors to understand easily. Her unique knowledge about the films and television makes her training special.”